The Challenge
In the world of manufacturing, the end-of-line quality inspection stage is crucial yet challenging. Traditionally, this role demands inspectors with exceptional visual acuity, the ability to multitask under pressure, and extraordinary endurance throughout the day. Finding individuals who meet all these criteria can be difficult and costly, narrowing the pool of suitable candidates significantly.

Boost Your Productivity
Nexustec’s solution dramatically enhances productivity by automated error detection. Furthermore, the documentation of checks is done automatically. The software enables workers to focus on more challenging tasks. Thus, one worker performs the work previously done by two. Throughput is doubled without lack of quality.
Costly indirect work is avoided (approx. €50,000/worker/year).
Return on investment is within one year.

Operational Efficiency
Additionally, the increased time efficiency enables workers to take on multiple roles, e.g.: end-of-line inspection + packaging.
Our software-based worker assistance drives down costs and increases productivity within the same workforce.
Real Life Scenario - Optimizing Roof Rack Manufacturing

Benefits of using TRiMiTi in your production

Optimise your production with TRiMiTi

Maximilian Kaltenecker
+49 176 2091 6049