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Summary of Motek 2023

Autorenbild: Sourabh BodasSourabh Bodas
Motek 2023 was a landmark fair for all of us at NEXUSTEC GmbH.

This year we have definitely put our best foot forward with whopping 5 demonstrators of our technology TRiMiTi. Highlights of Motek:

Nexustec participated in the opening press conference as a leading development oriented technology company in AI in industry 4.0 domain. Maximilian Kaltenecker represented the work done by our team over the last couple of years. He shared the stage with industry and academic stalwarts namely Prof. Dr. Jörg F. (Franke) and Dr. Andreas Letsch.

I presented our team's work at the Forum in Motek, and we received a positive response for our efforts.

Our team presented the demonstrators and collected 100+ contacts from various companies & their representatives who would like to be our customers, partners and distributors in various geographic areas.

We debuted the 3D Learning by Doing product, using our proprietary #TDI Markers and industrial cameras. The technology presented is widely scalable and utilizable in numerous industrial domains.

We also presented the following demonstrators carried forward and developed further from Automatica earlier this year.

  • Automated Object Inspection

  • Pick-by-Camera

  • Pick-by-Camera & Pokayoke tray assembly

  • Packaging assistant

  • Learning by Doing (2D)

  • Rework on battery module assembly, part of our assembly assistant offering

In short, we had our best exhibition thus far, and we are convinced in our ability to overcome the challenging targets we set ourselves at the start, "to integrate manual work in Industry 4.0".

For further information, please get in touch with us …

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